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Huili Nantong Junior High - A Pioneer of Tailormade Education

29 Nov 2021

The transition from Primary School to Junior High is always an important stage in education.  In this section of the school, the pupils will further develop bilingualism in an immersive language-based learning environment. 


Compared with their Primary School education, the  Junior High courses will cover a broader range of learning areas. This enables pupils to maintain their strong command of the curriculum as they further develop their critical thinking skills and language proficiency. By the end of Junior High, pupils should have become bilingual and also fully prepared to excel in High School and beyond. 



The move into Junior High also represents another one of the most significant transitions in a child’s life:  adolescence. Pre-teens are at a point in their lives when they gain greater self-awareness; they begin to venture into the frontiers of independent thought and it can be a physically and emotionally challenging time. In Junior High more will also be expected of the children academically. At this stage in their learning journey,  children will begin to discover their talents and interests. This will help them to prepare for their more in-depth studies in High School. Our teaching teams will help all  pupils realise their full potential with tailored teaching methods. We help children develop self-acceptance and  self-esteem. We teach them to express themselves an appropriately, and we teach them what makes them unique.  


When reviewing pupils’ learning, teachers assign them to different groups according to their respective strengths.  Teachers can then create the necessary conditions for  pupils who may be struggling in a particular subject, helping them to overcome these challenges and build confidence. Teachers also encourage those pupils with excellent academic performance to stretch themselves  and further develop their critical thinking skills. 



In short, teachers at Huili School Nantong will respond to the different learning needs of the children and will adjust their teaching content and methods to promote the best outcome. 


Contact Us

Contacts:Sammi Gu

Hotline:0513-8919 0666

Telephone:177 1485 5368



Founding Office Address:

China-Austria Eco-Park, Su-Xi-Tong Science and Technology Industrial Park, Nantong

School Address:
66 Haide Road, Su-Xi-Tong Science and Technology Industrial Park, Nantong, Jiangsu