Application FAQs

Huili School Nantong is in its first year a new school with no track record, why should we enrol our children?

Every school is new at some time or other. Being new does not mean a school cannot be very successful. Indeed, being new actually enables us to ensure we start our school in the very best way from day 1. Huili has the advantage of state-of-the-art facilities and the most modern resources. You will see this the minute you enter the campus.


Behind us are the traditions and expertise of Wellington College in the UK and more recently, the Wellington College China family of schools in Tianjin,Shanghai and Hangzhou.

• Huili is a centre of excellence for academic study.

• We believe in providing a fully rounded education for our pupils.

• We believe that every child has the right to achieve their full potential. That’s why we work hard to create a learning and social environment in which children are supported to overcome challenges, encouraged to make the most of their strengths and individually nurtured so they can flourish.

• We have dedicated and inspirational teachers.

• We have small classes offering the individual attention that pupils need.

• A rich and varied curriculum will suit our range of pupils and their needs and interests.

• A warm, personalised approach to pupils’ learning, wellbeing and welfare which is managed by our experienced team of classroom teachers.

• We provide an unrivalled choice of co-curricular activities.

• Huili School Nantong has outstanding facilities, which will enable our staff to deliver exciting learning experiences and provide every opportunity for pupils to develop their talents, wherever they may lie.

If you would like to know more about Huili School Nantong, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.